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Jim Johnson Beloved Defensive Coordinator for the Philadelphia eagles passed today


You were a great coordinator. You were loved by Eagles fans and respected not just by your opponents, but by their fans as well. You will be talked about for years, perhaps twenty or thirty when we look back on the success the Eagles had with you at the beginning of the millennium. It’s […]

I got some attitude from a school administrator, she didn’t win

So I go to Montgomery County Community College today. I signed up for a two day class in Microsoft Access. I printed out this parking pass that also lists the course and classroom number. except my printer cut off the far right side print. I don’t know the class number. I know where the registration […]

A dog ran out of it’s yard after me, and found out it was a bad idea

I was jogging yesterday. I had my ipod on and I hear barking. A dog is running out of it’s yard to track me down. So I stopped. I turned around and gave it it my ravenous animal look and and curled my fingers in claws. And I lunged forward, intent to devour it. That […]

Today I celebrate the birth of my website

I’m sitting at home right now. Beside me is my friend and talented professional Owen Cole. Owen is walking me through WordPress orientation and showing me around this site. If any of you would like to have your own site created, contact him at

And I just handed him a bag of Chex Mix […]